Monday, June 29, 2009

First Trip to Primary Children's Hospital

Last night we were at a BBQ at my mom's house. Rylee fell off her steps onto the hard cement. Poor little gal! She had a gooseegg like the ones in that you see in a cartoon! It went straight into a little (well big) cone. We decided to take her to the ER just to be safe. She is fine. She just has a little hematoma and some scratches. I was a big ole mess though! I don't know if it is just because I am still a little emotional from giving birth to Kash or if it was just because I don't deal with pain very well. My heart hurt for her little head and I couldn't stop crying! I am a big boob! Thankfully my family was there to calm me down and Bogie was great. He stayed so calm. It's amazing how calm he was really. I guess one of the parents needs to stay sane! I will post some pictures of her poor head when I figure out how to do so!

Starting a Blog

I have decided to start a blog. I love to scrapbook but don't get to it very often with a toddler running around. This way, I can keep track of daily or weekly events that have occurred. Hopefully I can learn how to do this!